Cernilton Therapy Effective in Post-TURP BPH Patients

Cernilton Therapy Effective in Post-TURP BPH Patients

A recent article titled “Therapeutic efficacy of Cernilton in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients with histological prostatitis after transurethral resection of the prostate” and published in the International Journal of Clinical Experimental Medicine looked into the effectiveness of the drug Cernilton in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A total of one hundred study participants suffering from prostatitis of varying degrees after having a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) were studied.

BPH is an extremely common form of urinary tract disease, affecting about 40 percent of men between the ages of 50-59 and 90 percent of men between the ages of 90 and 99. One of the risk factors for BPH is prostatitis, in fact about 70 percent of men complaining of urinary tract retention have some degree of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland and 45 percent of them have lower urinary tract symptoms. Unfortunately, some men who undergo a TURP for prostate gland enlargement will still have lower urinary tract symptoms. In this recent study, the authors believe it is vital to give some form of medication to help these patients reduce their symptoms following a TURP.

The drug Cernilton is often used to manage patients who have prostatitis to reduce their lower urinary tract symptoms and it seems to delay the need for undergoing a TURP.  What hasn’t been studied yet are the benefits of giving Cernilton to patients that had a prostatitis following a TURP procedure.

In this study, a total of one hundred patients were included, with half receiving Cernilton and the other half receiving no treatment following their monopolar TURP procedure. All patients were monitored for a minimum of three months, with the study ending after six months.

All patients had prostatitis at the time of their TURP as identified by the pathology pieces taken when a portion of the prostate gland had been removed.  There are some urologists who believe that it is unnecessary to give drug therapy to patients after a TURP procedure; however, the rate of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms after TURP is at least 10-30 percent.  The authors felt that this was a high enough percentage to consider giving drugs like Cernilton for those who had prostatitis at the time of their procedure.

The results demonstrated that Cernilton reduced the incidence of lower urinary tract symptoms when compared to the control group at 3 months and at 6 months. The findings were more noticeable in patients with severe prostatitis after TURP.  Furthermore, those who received Cernilton had a better quality of life and improved sexual function when compared to those who took the placebo. Overall, Cernilton was felt to be extremely well tolerated and therefore could be a good therapy to be administered to patients with prostatitis following a TURP procedure.

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